

Salix Alba

Parts used medicinally

Leaves and bark.

Medical Uses

Analgesic, anti-inflammatory for fevers and diabetes.

Prepare as poultices, teas.

Chew leaves for toothache, mouth sores.

Powdered bark can be taken with honey (10 g with a teaspoon honey) for fevers and headaches.

Make decoction of 30 g dried bark/leaves (60 if fresh) to 750 ml water.


Do not use with blood thinners or while pregnant or lactating.

Climate Change Vulnerability


Factors involved

Riparian ecosystems, where willows thrive, will be impacted by climate change. Willow seeds disperse their seeds at the same time as the spring melt peaks in streams etc.

Climate change may reduce willow regeneration by changing the synchronicity of seed dispersal and this stream flow.

Warmer temperatures will likely result in earlier plant budburst, flowering, and seed dispersal. Peak flows of snow melt may also occur earlier due to warming temperatures but there is no guarantee it will remain entirely in sync with seed dispersal. 


White Pine | Cigwatik


Wintergreen | Katikinowecek