Ni Dakinan

Ni Dakinan is the land stewardship and heritage department at Timiskaming First Nation. Timiskaming First Nation is the home of the Saugeen Anishabeg which means "People of the River mouth." This refers to the broad estuary formed by the Blanche and the Quinze Rivers on the northeast side of Lake Timiskaming. Our traditional territory includes land on both the Ontario and Quebec side of the lake head. 

This virtual herbarium is part of an ongoing project to identity and map traditional plants, document their medicinal uses, and preserve traditional knowledge. A key component of our project is how traditional food sources and medicines will adapt to climate change.

This project was managed by Candace Polson alongside the Ni Dakinan team. It is funded by the Climate Change and Health Adaptation Program, Indigenous Services Canada under ‘The Forest Pharmacy in a Time of Uncertainty: Tracking Climate Change Impacts on Medicinal Plants.’ Additional support was provided by Siobhan Angus (curation, digital platform), Lola Angus (photography), and Felicity Buckell (copyediting).

Our Vision

Land use and occupancy

Education about traditional food ways

Create employment for communities

Offer sustainably harvested foods that are Indigenous to this territory

Engage Youth