
Balsam Fir

Abies balsamea

Parts used medicinally

Sap (resin), buds, needles.

Medical Uses

Antiseptic and healing agent; analgesic; excellent source of Vitamin C; general tonic.

Resin used for burns, bruises and wounds; tea for coughs, colds, and fever.

Tea infusion can be made by soaking several chopped branches in water in a Mason jar for an hour and then drinking as a tea.

A strong decoction can be made by simmering 1/2 ounce of branches in 4 cups of water for 30 minutes, strain and drink in smaller doses (approximately 2 ounces)


Young shoots and needles are best harvested in spring and then dried and stored.

Climate Change Vulnerability

Moderately vulnerable to very vulnerable in the southern part of range.

Factors involved

Highly susceptible to insects, forest fire topkill, and drought. Northward shift as range shrinks.


Black Spruce | Sesegâtik